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One major event that happened in the early 17th century was the death of Elizabeth I of England. Another event was the failure of the Gunpowder Plot in England. A third major event was the assassination of Stephen Bocskay, the Prince of Transylvania.

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10y ago
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15y ago

I dont know a whole lot what happened, I know King Philips War was during that time(Google it). Here are some links with some events(copy and paste):

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10y ago

In 1642, civil war broke out between King Charles I and the parliament in the country of England. In the early 1700s the Kingdom of Great Britain was founded. In 1744, England was able to stop the French when they tried to invade the country.

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12y ago

Great Fire of London 1666.

Thirty Years War.

English Civil War.

Newtons Laws.

Galileo and his inventions.

Gunpowder Plot.

St Peters Basilica at the Vatican completed.

Bank of England established.

That'll do for starters.

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15y ago

St. Ignatius of Loyola was born and died, and in the process helped greatly in the counter reformation. Martin Luther protested on indulgences and was excommunicated by the church. 1560s was the beginning of the counter reformation.

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15y ago

16th century:


- Exploration of North America

-Elizabeth I becomes queens of England

-King Henry IV of France signs Edict of Nantes

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