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Because there were no refrigerators, and the canning process wasn't invented until the 1800's, European explorers had to eat foods that lasted a long time. Hard biscuits, dried peas, and dried meat were the primary foods. However, the complete lack of fresh food caused many sailors to develop scurvy, a life threatening deficiency of Vitamin C. In the 1700's, British sailors began to drink lime juice in order to prevent scurvy, earning them the nickname "Limeys."

Because water was generally filthy in European cities, it was believed, at least into the 1600's, that water made people sick. Therefor, on ships, as well as on land, people primarily drank beer.
The European explorers ate fish, meat of cows.
They took along provisions for the journey. However, as provisions ran out, they ate just about anything that was available. The Lewis and Clark expedition for example ate "mostly elk meat (often somewhat spoiled) plus occasional wapato roots, dried berries, whale blubber and fish that they bought from the American Indians."
Things like bread, beef, lamb, root vegetables, stuff like that. Think of what you'd have if you were on a low income.

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12y ago

they ate cuCUMbers, tomatoes, veggies, fruits, meat and carbs.

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