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Several things: it chased away the Roman Catholic king James, replacing him with his daughter Anne and his Dutch son-in-law, the staunchly Protestant king William.

This confirmed the primacy of the Protestant (Anglican) church in England and meant that Catholics would remain second-class citizens in England, unelegible for almost any public office, until well into the 19th century.

Secondly and historically most importantly, on William and Mary's ascent to the throne they signed the Bill of Rights, basically establishing the primacy of Parliament in political and budgetary matters and meaning the end of 'absolutist' powers of British kings. The signing of the Bill of Rights is the reason it is called the "glorious" revolution.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the bombed each other with cannons lol

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Q: What happened to England because of the glorious revolution?
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What impact did the Glorious Revolution have on England from a political point of view?

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Why the glorious revolution is considered glorious?

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The Glorious Revolution is considered glorious because?

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''Nobody was killed'' - I would add that it was 'glorious' for the whigs, because after the revolution, William III gave the Parliament and the citizens more rights than they had before. Because it was bloodless

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because yo mama came down suck my balls n left

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I'm assuming you mean how all three are different. The America revolution was to break away from the Mother Country. The French revolution was to force the monarchy out of power so they could have a democratic government. The Glorious Revolution was to keep Catholics off throne of Protestant England because a Catholic heading the Anglican church just wouldn't work.

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they are both the same no difference there same but they gave it two names (american revolution and glorious revolution) who ever wrote this is wrong the american revolution was because we wanted to be independent from england. where as the glorious revolution was a flip-flop in government where they got rid of an absolute monarchy and got a better government in england

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The Glorious Revolution was created because of the existence of an heir to the Throne that was a Catholic.