i know that George Washington, the united states first president, was born. i don't know what else though. i mean there was the American revolution and the whole beginning of the colonies but yeah.
The Louisiana Purchase
Women's Right to Vote, World War II, and the end of segregation.
The most important event in all history is the coming of Jesus Christ.
Not much
There are so many events that happened in Britain in 1843. However, the important event was the Battle of Hyderabad: which happened on March 24.
The Nazi defeat at Kursk was the most important event in 1943.
not in my event list.
One important event that happened to the Cherokee Indians is when they travled the trail of tears to a Indian Reservation in Oklahoma
=it was just weird=
there was an earthquake
it was the removal of the Indians
a penis was envented
Nothing HaHa !!
a penis was envented
the holicaust
the great depression