Hinduism was Mainly product of aryan invasion. Dravidian had very different rituals than of today's Hindu Society. This shows that dominating aryans influenced Hindu beliefs Heavily.
Since the Aryans had 2 things that the Indus Valley civilization did not have they took over. Those 2 things are horses and 2 wheel chariots.
Aryans were the fierce nomadic herders that conquered them.
It was sometimes difficult for the people of the Indus valley because if the farmers were not able to get any food at the time of need then all the people would die of starvation
Indus valley civilization riverboats have single sail.
They built the Indus Valley civilization.
Aryans Invade, Conquer and Make War in the Indus Valley
Aryans Invade, Conquer and Make War in the Indus Valley
Aryans Invade, Conquer and Make War in the Indus Valley
The Aryans.
Indus Valley groups
The Aryans (Vedic people) overthrew the stone forts of the Dasyu. If you refer to the Indus Valley Civilization people, no one conquered them, they left Sindh because of floods and drought.
the Aryans did
No, they built the Indus Valley Civilization.
they had different jobs and were thought to have migrated over as nomadic herders to the indus valley
there is no single founder but the Aryans and the people of the Indus Valley started it