The Shang King ruled from the capital city of Anyang. His kingdom was divided into different territories that were ruled by aristocratic warlords. Although they were the leaders of their land the king had the power to add and remove them whenever he chose.
it was really big. that's why hes famous
yes hes dead.
hes was looking for a place to stay and have a loving family
cose hes misareble
he wasnt buried he died in a taroble storm in the Cape of Good Hope and so did hes crew
It is also know as the Yellow River.
Anthony Wotherspoon makes a good structure. hes strong and sturdy. Anthony Wotherspoon makes a good structure. hes strong and sturdy.
think hes cool
hes got twitter, follow him, @printshazla
dont have a clue hes so od and ancient
nasal spray
Achilles is not a historical person, he is in the myths.He was born in Phthia in ancient Greece the southernmost region of ancient Thessaly.
I think you mean Hestia. She is the Ancient Greek goddess of the hearth.
it can mean many differrent things depending on how you see it in my opinion hes just not that interested in you or hes simply trying to avoid talking or going out with you.
Im in a rush but i can give you a lead. David Hume. google his name + social contract, hes probably your best bet
yes he was very real in the movie hes real and it talks about him in social studies
no one, hes actually married to his childhood sweetheart who is associated with delhi social light