Queen Victoria
The youngest child of Tsar Nicholas II was his son Alexi
Czar Nicholas II was murdered on the night of July 16/17, 1918, by members of the Bolsheviks who had seized power in Russia in the October Revolution in 1917.
If I understand the question correctly, King George V, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Czar Nicholas II were all first cousins. They shared common grandparents in Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.
The czar got shot in his house in the head
he is known for being czar in Russia the ruler
Nicholas II, the last Romanov Tsar (czar).
Czar Nicholas II
Czar Nicholas II
Czar Nicholas II
Nicholas Romanov II was Czar before the Russian Revolution.
Nicholas II
Czar Nicholas II
The Last Czar, He was Murdered by Bolsheviks.
Queen Victoria and Czar Nicholas II were distantly related through ancestry but through marriage Queen Victoria was the grandmother of Czar Nicholas II. Queen Victoria's granddaughter Alexandra (the daughter of Victoria's daughter Alice) married Czar Nicholas II in 1894.
May 14th 1896.
Czar Nicholas of Russia, properly numbered Nicholas II.