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I suppose, being British, if I could really answer this Question then I could really tell everyone just who to vote for. Or more to the point who not to vote for. What I do feel a bit dischuffed about is that when T Blair esq won in 1997 he said the Government would be whiter than white. And sadly some of us actually were naive enough to think this politician was actually telling the truth ! However having said that it does not mean that although I recognise that maybe the best days of my countrys history are behind us, best as in the most powerful or influential in the great things of this world, it does not make me unpatriotic or that think I live in a bad country: manifestly I do not.

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Q: What is the British government about today?
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What is the name given to the government that exists in great Britain today?

It's usually named after its Prime Minister, today David Cameron. So the British would call this 'the Cameron Government". This government is composed of members of the ruling Conservative Party.

What was the British government like in the 1700?

It was the same kind of government they have today, but more organized, a parliament, look up the word parliament and you'll know.

How is the government different today from in the 1770s?

In 1770 the colonies were part of the British monarchy. They had a king and were considered property of that king.

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The influence of British government on the United States' system of government can still be seen today in all of the following ways except the US retention of __________.A.representative government and consent of the governedB.limitations on governmentC.the rights of the accusedD.ceremonial ties and monarchical rule

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India has a federal formed government. India is a sovereignty, a democratic republic. It is socialist and secular. Today the Indian central government tends to be more powerful statewide and has become more like a British style parliament.

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they still use the legal and government systems introduced by the british

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To many parts of the British Empire including what is today Southern Ontario.

Is it true that over half of the British coasts belong to the British government?

The British coasline belongs to the Monarchy - not the government.

What did the British government pay for the French and Indian War?

the british government payed by trading

What type of governments are present today?

the present government today are the municipal government provincial government & the federal government