China's government is called communist and the Australian government is called Democracy
a chinese man with big earlobes
The communist party won the battle, the government became a dictator until today.
communism or unitary
han wudi
The youth of China peacefully demonstrated for freedom from the oppressive Chinese government. The government used the military to put down the demonstrations, and some of the students were killed. The exact number has never been determined, because of the secrecy of the Chinese government, but it was probably in the thousands.
Answer: Atheism is the official religion of the Chinese Government.
communist government
The Chinese government was imperial.
The Chinese government was imperial.
The Chinese government was imperial.
About 50 people work in the Chinese Government.
The government in China is communist. It is officially called the Chinese Communist Party. The current constitution was amended in 1982.
Depends what kind. Chinese school in china would just be called a school, or 学校 (shue shiao). A Chinese school abroad that receives funding from the Chinese government is probably called a 孔子学校 (kong zzz (like the zz in buzz) shue shiao)
The Chinese government is communist and could care less about its citizens.
Government in Chinese is written as 政府. In pinyin it is 'zheng fu'.
Western exploitation ~ Inefficient Chinese government Extensive Chinese trade with Europe