

What is the Kushan Religion?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is the Kushan Religion?
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Kushan Empire ended in 375.

Where was the capital of the Kushan kingdom located?

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The Han, Kushan, Parthian, and Roman Empires brought order to the Silk Road. I just found this answer online so don't blame me if it is not right.

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The Han, Kushan, Parthian, and Roman Empires brought order to the Silk Road. I just found this answer online so don't blame me if it is not right.

Why did trade along silk road flourish during the time of the Han Kushan Parthian and roman empires?

The Han, Kushan, Parthian, and Roman Empires brought order to the Silk Road. I just found this answer online so don't blame me if it is not right.

The greatest kushan leader who got converted to Buddhism was?

Kanishka. He ruled the Kushan Empire from around 127 to 151 CE and is known for his patronage of Buddhism. Kanishka is credited with convening the Fourth Buddhist Council, which was an important event in the development and spread of Buddhism.

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Kanishka was a great Kushan king. The baby boy name Kanishkar comes from the Tamil word meaning "no".

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may be if you take the value of robert miller and take away the value of kushan you will get the number of cats in the white house.