The costume worn during the gupta period was mainly white colored with red, blue, saffron, and black in it. The Kushan was a coat, trousers and boots, and as another costume.
During the French Revolution, Catholicism was the official religion of the French state. On those times, the clergy wore long white robes.
Cree Indian women wore long dresses with removable sleeves. Cree men wore breechcloths and leggings. The Crees also wore moccasins on their feet and cloaks or ponchos in bad weather. Later, Cree people adapted European costume like blouses and jackets into their own style using beadwork, embroidery, and ribbon appliques. Here is a photograph of a Cree buckskin jacket, and some photos and links about Native American clothes in general.
They wore longe narrow silhouettes shirt tights ect....
they wore chaps, hats, boots, uniforms and carried swords some had uniforms if they wore it the coat had to be blue Continental soldiers in the time of the revolution wore either blue or brown and minutemen in the early stages of the war fought with whatever they were wearing
In the Tudor times poor peoples clothes was tatty and dirty as they had to were them all the time Rich peoples clothes were dirty During the week but at the weekend there had there Sunday best on so looked smart
I wore my costume when I went trick-or-treating on Halloween. The actor's costume tore open during his performance.
A jester's costume is called a motley. This comes from the name of the fabric. A motley fabric had various coloured threads. Jesters costumes were also made in a parti coloured pattern. However it is wrong to think that the motley or parti coloured costume is the only type of costume jesters wore. In fact the wore normal court clothes for most of the time and wore their jester's costume during special events.
Fitted stockings.....
If you are referring to 1 of the reunion movies as "the movie"....... No, Barbara never wore the original costume from the series after the series ended. She wore a similar costume along with some other harem costumes, but it was not the same costume.
Because everybody wore kimono during that time period.
Carl Virden is the actor in that costume.
Bahamians wear modern western style clothing. During annual festivals, colorful costumes of all kinds can be seen. A woman once wore a pink flamingo costume to the festival.
She wore Normal clothes under her nurse costume
Jester's wore a costume called a motley. The motley had bright colours to brighten people's day. They usually wore a hat with three horns with a bell on each end to represent a donkey. They wore this just for Shannon
No, he is a respected member of the British Royal Family. He did display poor judgement, however, when he wore a Nazi costume to a costume party.
In the costume department.