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what is attributes of an effective parliament?

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Q: What is the attributes of an effective Parliament?
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Forms or tables are the most effective type of graphic to show attributes.

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Forms or tables are the most effective type of graphic to show attributes.

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For up to seven attributes, you can use either a pie chart of a bar graph. For more attributes, a pie chart is not suitable.

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Its alright I suppose

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What in your opinion are the attributes of an effective parliament?

Members with intelligence and knowledge of the common world, honesty, hard working, putting others before themselves. All these I am afraid most of our government doesnt have. Most seem to spend less time in Parliament and more on outside interests. The decisions they make are ridiculous when the average housewife can see their sums do not add up. Grr my blood pressure will be up IMRAN MUNIR SAJID LAHORE 03434473919

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A hung parliament is one in which no party has an overall majority. The UK parliament will have 650 seats. If no party gains 326 seats or more in today's General Election, there will be a hung parliament. If there is a hung parliament the two largest parties (Labour and Conservative) will be trying to form pacts with any of the smaller parties in order to gain an effective majority.

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Because they wanted to show them they didn't like the laws the Parliament had made.

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Which part of the government must vote to approve a treaty before it becomes effective?

Parliament (or the Congress) Edit: More specifically, it's the Senate of Congress.

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ment and its attributes