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A "culture region" in the Social Sciences refers to the land area over which a particular culture is dominant.

For example:

"In X area, Y culture is dominant."

"In India, Hindu is the predominant religion. The culture region includes much of the area surrounding the political boundaries of India itself, however."

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itz a place with a common culture. anything past this mark is not what i wrote^

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Daniel Fewox

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2y ago

A group that shares a similar language & customs

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Q: What is the definition of culture region?
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Definition of a region?

a region is a group of states gathered together to make a bigger area but just not as big as a continent.Its just broken down into something to make something easier to use. like you could say these following states are in this region instead of saying these states are in this continent

Which culture group lived in the far north region?

Far north region is also called extreme north region. Around fifty different ethnic groups live in the region, including the Shuwa Arabs, Fulani, and Kapsiki.

In his definition Walter Lippmann uses climate as a metaphor for culture because it captures a sense of something that is?

hard to pin down in terms of precise form.

What is the difference between social and cultural history?

That's a good question.It lies in the nature of social shifts versus cultural tradition. Social interactions, formalities and acceptable practices vary and shift far more frequently by definition than culture. The same culture can be practiced where different societies exist. Its a very subjective idea.Additional Answer:A society can also have sub-sects of culture within it. Our American society for example, has many cultures within it. There's a gay culture, a straight culture, a female culture and a male culture. We have a sports culture and an intellectual culture, music culture and motorcycle culture.A society by definition is the way in which a group of people live together for mutual benefit. That's a society. It doesn't mean they're all the same or that they have shared values, it just means they live together for mutual benefit.A culture on the other hand, refers to a group of people that share beliefs and behaviors, attitudes, goals and practices.There are sections of society in the modern world that we probably share space with - as a society, but we are probably NOT part of their culture.A group of atheists in a Christian nation may be part of the society, but they're not part of the Christian culture - and the reverse is also true."Society" is more about, "How do all these people interact?""Culture" is more about, "What do they believe, and what do they value?"

Why did the author and his friends choose to travel with Dudjom Dorjee?

The reason behind the decision to travel with Dudjom Dorjee involves the expectation that Dudjom Dorjee's personal experience of the region and its culture will be part of the group's experience.

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A vernacular culture region is an area where people share common cultural traits like language, religion, and customs that differentiate it from surrounding areas. This region is defined by the everyday practices and beliefs of its inhabitants rather than formal boundaries.

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Does culture effect region or region affect culture or both?

Both culture and region can influence each other. Culture can shape the traditions, beliefs, and values of a region, while the region's geography, climate, and history can also impact the development of its culture. This interaction results in unique cultural identities that vary from one region to another.

What is the definition of aviation culture?

It is flying culture.

Can you Differentiate between orthodox perception of Nigeria culture and present definition of culture?

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culture and definition

Is the US a cultural region?

yes it is a culture region

Why is South America considered a culture region?

the region is home to many various indigenous culture groups