Students in school usually study history from appropriate textbooks. Others may use sites such as this one, encyclopedias, and even old newspapers to piece together histories.
In the most general terms, prehistory differs from history inasmuch as it is that period of time that has occurred before periods in which human ideas and events have been recorded, particularly through writing. In other words, 'history' refers to times or events that have been preserved through records of some kind, while 'prehistory' refers to what came before such records.
History is studied to learn of the mistakes and successes of humankind. With such knowledge, successes can be made to fit modern times and mistakes and errors of the past can be avoided. History can also be studied simply on the basis of seeing what events happened in the past.
If you're using history to literally mean past events, then the world would be like it's just beginning because, well, it would be. But if you mean history as in a knowledge of past events, then the answer is the same, as only our knowledge of past events allows us to advance.
Technology is machinery and electronic stuff. History is the past and past events.
A record of past events in order of time is called a chronology.
πRecord of all know past events are known as evergreen history .π
past record means tae
it is a journal type log where a person or various people observe events that have already occurred and write them down. This way, people in the future have information of events that took place in the past. A record of past events is an essential part to our intelligence of the past and is a vital part in history.
history is the record of past events
A record of past events and times, known to us all as history
History is the aggregate of past events. It is a record or narrative description of past events. It is the discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings. It is all that is remembered of the past as preserved in writing.
1. A continuous record of past events or trends 2. The study of past events 3. The past events connected with someone or something Source: THE OXFORD DICTIONARY
important facts that happen in the past events that are record
The items in a museum can not be replaced and they show/record the events of the past.
History means the past of something, whatever the topic is.