I don't know the symbolism behind Charlemangne being crowned an Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire . What I have read, though, is that ther is evidence that 34 of our 43 presidents have direct lineage to this Charlemagne (742-814). U.S. has been compared to Rome as the Gobal Super Power that we know it is... For more look into David Icke.
Pope Leo III crowning Charlemagne emperor, December 25, 800.
Napoleon Bonaparte. He came to power in 1799, putting a stop to the French revolution and crowning himself Emperor, and with that, making France an Empire instead of a monarchy.
The emperor ruled the county. He was the emperor of China. Some countries have a president or a monarch instead of an emperor.
The Roman emperor had to answer to the pope.
The emperor will see you now. The emperor is showing off his new clothes.
He crowned himself;
His wife Josephine.
He did not want people to think the pope had the power to choose who was emperor.
He did not want people to think the pope had the power to choose who was emperor.
He did not want people to think that the popehad the power to choose who was emperor.
He did not want people to think the pope had the power to choose who was emperor.
First, who are you referring to as the "new roman emperor"?
They had celebrations of the sun god, crowning of a new emperor, war wins basically what we do
He did not want people to think the pope had the power to choose who was emperor.
He did not want people to think that the popehad the power to choose who was emperor.
Pope Leo III crowning Charlemagne emperor, December 25, 800.