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Napoleon Bonaparte. He came to power in 1799, putting a stop to the French Revolution and crowning himself Emperor, and with that, making France an Empire instead of a monarchy.

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Q: Who was the powerful emperor that came to power near the end of the French Revolution?
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Who was the King of France after the French Revolution?

In the immediate aftermath of the French Revolution Napoleon became the First Consul and then the Emperor of the French. After his exile King Louis XVIII became the King.

Who took power when the French Revolution ended?

Napoleon Bonaparte as the First Consul, then as First Consul for Life and finally as the Emperor of the French.

Why did Austria not like the french revolution?

a) it was opposed to the absolute power of monarchs, and the Emperor of Austria was an absolute monarch. b) The Emperor of Austria was Marie-Antoinette's brother

Did Napoleon bring the Revolution to all of Europe or did he cut it short and become obsessed with power?

Napoleon did bring the Revolution to all of Europe. He became the emperor of the French people from 1804 to 1815.

Did all of Napoleon's reforms match the goals of the French Revolution?

No, but he could hardly reveal that to the general public until he had consolidated his power and became a hereditary Emperor.

What french military leader came to power from the bottom up and declared himself the Emperor of France?

Napoléon Bonaparte. French history classes use to call him Bonaparte for his military period, then Napoléon from the moment he seized power (1799, which is the 'end' of the French revolution)

Why is ascendancy of Napoleon considered the end of the French Revolution?

Because as Napoleon came to power, became first consul and then crowned himself Emperor there was no longer a desire for revolution or ridding of the old monarchy, now it was to dethrone Napoleon

How did the activities during and after the French Revolution lead to the rise of a powerful leader like Napoleon?

It created a power vacumn where strong leadership was required to prevent chaos.

How did the french revolution affect the system of balance of power?

The French Revolution affected the system of balance of power by having different people come into power in France. After the revolution there was more emphasis placed on individual interests.

What made the first emperor of Rome so powerful?

Augustus, the first emperor of Rome was powerful because he was voted all the power. He returned some of the authority to the senate, but kept the most important ones for himself.Augustus, the first emperor of Rome was powerful because he was voted all the power. He returned some of the authority to the senate, but kept the most important ones for himself.Augustus, the first emperor of Rome was powerful because he was voted all the power. He returned some of the authority to the senate, but kept the most important ones for himself.Augustus, the first emperor of Rome was powerful because he was voted all the power. He returned some of the authority to the senate, but kept the most important ones for himself.Augustus, the first emperor of Rome was powerful because he was voted all the power. He returned some of the authority to the senate, but kept the most important ones for himself.Augustus, the first emperor of Rome was powerful because he was voted all the power. He returned some of the authority to the senate, but kept the most important ones for himself.Augustus, the first emperor of Rome was powerful because he was voted all the power. He returned some of the authority to the senate, but kept the most important ones for himself.Augustus, the first emperor of Rome was powerful because he was voted all the power. He returned some of the authority to the senate, but kept the most important ones for himself.Augustus, the first emperor of Rome was powerful because he was voted all the power. He returned some of the authority to the senate, but kept the most important ones for himself.

How was napolean able to become a dictator?

Because Napoleon was a brilliant general who successfully defended the French Revolution from foreign monarchists, his troops became very loyal to him and therefore he had the power to assume the position of Emperor of France.

How did french help us win the revolutionary war?

they had the will power and the motive that the king didnt have in his subjects