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Teaching English is a popular job that people move to China to do. I knew lots of foreigners that were there working for large international companies such as General Mills, General Motors, UPS, Hershey, Honda, and 3M, just to name a few.

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Q: What jobs in China make people move to China?
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Well, this way, we would create jobs if we were to manufacture products here, rather than employ people in India or China, for example. In this recession, Canada needs jobs more than ever because people can't find any jobs(simple). The main reason that jobs move to India or China is because it's cheaper there to employ someone than it is here. For example, if you were a businessman, would you rather pay a worker $2/hr or $30/hr. In places like India and China, people would be extremely happy to work for $2/hr whereas in Canada, people need a lot more money to keep their ways of life. The problem with sending jobs -and manufacturing especially- overseas to countries such as China and India is simple: QUALITY. Would you have a well-educated Canadian make you your car or have possibly less qualified people making the same thing?

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To find good paying jobs.

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