Well, since it is there home country, China has mostly Chinese people. :) <3
it is an epic drama film ....most expensive film
Dehumanizing is the process of taking away human qualities from a person. A "people" do not have a policy on this kind opinion, it varies from individual to individual.
mother teresa, gandhi, mary seacole, florence nightingale, princess diana
he was very kind
Labs, and Golden retriever's.
Architects, Writers, Scientists, Builders, and Artists worked in Athens during the Golden Age.
Her feast day is observed on September 5.
The cost to buy a golden casket varies depending on what kind of golden casket and what preference. It could be up to 10,000 dollars and higher depending on the kind.
hi so what is the government of the golden age of athens
just give goldfish food
The dog that played Buddy is a Golden Retriever.