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new ideas about learning science and srt developement in Italian cities wow hi ppl yay jb

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Brandy Ortiz

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Q: What new ideas developed in medieval Europe?
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What architectural feature was developed in Medieval Europe but is no longer in use?

The flying buttress. New building materials made them unnecessary.

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it is developed by a group of people who have ideas about new sofware (:

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Answer this question… It resisted new ideas from Europe.

What was the most advanced country during medieval times?

The Middle East, Asia, and parts of Africa were more advanced than Europe. Science, new technology, and inventions were developed in these nations. There was advanced arts and buildings.

What was the new style of warfare that developed in Europe?

Trench warfare.

What effect did the new religious orders formed after 1098 have on medieval Europe?

The had food water .

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It helps us to cread a new ideas and emagine new things.

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Who traveled to the US and Europe and returned to japan with new ideas?


How did the crusades impact medieval life?

The crusaders brought back new ideas, products, and there was a whole group of trained men returning to Europe. These men would not return to become serfs again,but wanted land and to be treated as free men.

What new style of religious architecture developed in Europe in the 1100?

Gothic architecture

What New style of religious architecture developed in Europe in 1100s?

Gothic architecture