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Leanardo Davinci

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Q: What scientist and inventor as well as an artist the renaissance man painted the Mona Lisa and the last supper?
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Why is Leonardo de Vinci worth knowing about?

Because he was a unique Renaissance artist, inventor and scientist.

What artist and scientist painted the Last Supper?

Leonardo da Vinci is the artist and scientist who painted the 'Last Supper'. The fresco is in the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. Considered to be in the movement of the Renaissance.

What was the name of the person that was skilled in many areas during the renaissance?

Leonardo da vinci artist scientist geologist inventor etc.

Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?

He was a Renaissance artist, scientist, anatomist, etc. he was the painter of the piece of artwork called "mona lisa' Leonardo da vinci painted the Last Supper. He was an accomplished painter, sculptor and scientist.

Which Renaissance artist painted the mona Lisa and the last supper?

Leonardo da Vinci is the artist who painted the works above.

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Renaissance artist who painted the Journey of the Magi?


Why might describing Leonardo Da Vinci as solely a renaissance artist be incomplete?

Because Leonardo da Vinci was much more than an artist! He was a scientist, an inventor, an architect, a musician, and more.

What were the artist of the renaissance period?

One of the greatest artists of the period wasMichelangelo. He painted the Sistine Chapel located in the Vatican as well as carved David and the Pieta. Also in this time was da Vinci who not only was an artist, but inventor.

What is the Renaissance artist who painted the Journey of the Magi?

Benozzo Gozzoli

What was Leonardo da vinci's occupation?

He was an Italian artist, scientist, mathematician, and inventor.

What was da vinci's occupation?

He was an Italian artist, scientist, mathematician, and inventor.