Some of David Livingstones major achievements was the discovery of the Victoria Falls, the Chilwa River, and Lake Nyasa.
i think it was Mary moffat she must have been cute
his major contribution was to find out nothing. he died and left himself for us to study. all these people are great. but not as great beccause i dont even know my relatives names how do techers expect us to learn about humayun and ppl?
He found the Cape of Good Hope.
By his achievements and
Muslim scholars made cultural achievements during the golden age under the Abbasid Dynasty. These included calligraphy, architecture, literature, and philosophy.
i think it was Mary moffat she must have been cute
Dr. David Livingstone (1813-1873) was a doctor and missionary in the Congo.
{| |- | What do you consider to be your major career achievements? What do you consider to be your major career achievements? |}
Major achievements in life differ from person to person. However, some major achievements in life could be the birth of children, being successful at a job, or maintaining happiness.
causeways and files were some major achievements
some of the major egyptian achievements were paper, wine, and the first national monument
I do not know how we are supposed to know what your own major achievements in the last year are.
the most impressive achievements were the pillars of Aksum
Nasser's major achievements were the construction of the Aswan High Dam, which begun in 1956 , and that was to control the flooding of the Nile River .
Two of the major technological achievements of the Egyptians were pyramid construction (as well as other construction projects) and embalming.