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the first wheel made of wood

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Q: What was created by the aryans?
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What was the caste system of Aryans Society?

the caste system of the aryans society was created or originated by hinduismsthe caste system of the aryans society was created or originated by hinduisms

Who created caste system?

the aryans

What did the Aryans have?

They took power in Dasyu territory and destroyed stone forts in northwest India and Pakistan.

Indo - European nomadic peoples who created a new Indian society were known as?


Caste system and aryans?

No one is sure, but ideas about skin color were probably part of it. Another reason the Aryans might have created the caste system was because the people they encountered in India outnumbered them. The caste system set the rules for everyone's behavior. This helped the Aryans stay in control.

Why was the caste system created?

no one is sure, but ideas about skin color were probobly part of it. The Aryans were a light skinned people. They thought they were better than dark skinned people they encountered in India. This idea was wrong but the Aryans believed it. Another reason the Aryans might have created the caste system was because the people they had encountered in India greatly outnumbered them. The caste system kept groups seperate and set the rules for everyone's behavior. This helped the Aryans maintain control.

WHo were the Aryans What are two thing the Aryans brought to India?

The aryans were a proto-slavic people from the caucus mountins, the aryans were advanced and expanded throughout europe and asia. The aryans brought there language and genes to india.

How did the Persian Empire conquer the Aryans?

The Persians were Aryans.

What are the 5 major contributions of the indo-aryans to ancient civilizations?

They created a caste system to segregate the Indians from the Aryans. They brought nature gods, and they had sacred text called the Vedas. They also brought a new language which was Sanskirt.

What is Language developed by the Aryans is?

written language developed by the Aryans

What caused the decline of the Aryans?

The decline of the Aryans was due to the division of their society into bootie.The Aryans mixd with the original inhabitants of India.

What caused the decline of aryans?

The decline of the Aryans was due to the division of their society into bootie.The Aryans mixd with the original inhabitants of India.