Giovanni da Verrazano's dad owned a silk factory
Women wern't allowed to work in the 11th Century. However men cleaned shoes, Washed clothes, Farmed, Blacksmithed and made clothes.
from the slaves in africa
They did that so that the factory would stay open because they would have more people working in that factory and also so that their families could get more money for food and water because you need to pay for food and drinks.
In the 19th century, most women did not work at jobs outside the home, pursue an education, or have an active social life outside of their home. Women were primarily known as wives and mothers. Women of the 21st century balance a work and family life, while pursuing a higher education. Many women of the 21st century hold high-ranking positions in major companies, while others become doctors or lawyers. They can participate in elections and run for public office.
It depends on where you work. In my experience factory work is very boring, but you get paid well.
As long as the wire plugs are the same. it may work
Factory work was difficult and dangerous but it paid well.
factory turn signal mirrors were an extra option for purchaser when new. vehicle may already have wires and just need hooking up,so yes these mirrors will work if no wires already installed, you will just need to run extra wires to make them work
Factory conditions in the North grew worse as the 20th Century became closer. There were no set safety rules, children were allowed to work the same hours as adults, and the pay was very low.
Children RAN the coca-cola factory in the 19th century, and used real cocaine as one of the ingredients. The basic answer is no, because Coca Cola didn't exist in the early 19th century.
it is fun in there you can have any thing you want in there after work
Thirteen hour work days, no workers comp, dirty, hot, tiring. That are just a few words on how to describe factory life.
There was no work in Canada in the 1930's the commies took it over
The people who work in the factory gets least amount of money like 35p! Some of them can even get insulted by a owner of the factory even if they are ill
yes you can have chickens if you work at a chicke factory.
the uncle