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The town Harbour Grace founded by Francis I of France in 1517.

On this day, October 31, 1517, in the little town of Wittenberg, Germany, no one seemed to notice the priest nailing his challenge to debate on the church door; but within the week, copies of his these would be discussed throughout the surrounding regions; and within a decade, Europe itself would be shaken by this simple act. Later generations would mark Martin Luther's nailing of the 95 theses on the church door as the beginning of the Protestant Reformation....

"No one took up Luther's challenge to debate, but once news of his proposals became known, many began to discuss the issue Luther raised that salvation was by faith in Christ's work alone.... The Protestant Reformation had begun.

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17y ago
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13y ago

There were people who dressed up as toilets and beat up fat people with 10 legs and 60 eyes.

There was one person who dressed up as a toilet brush and the toilets beat the toilet brush top death.

He was happy.

That took 100 years

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14y ago

There was a lot of fear going on about witchcraft - in 1571 it was said that there were 100,000 witches in France

it was a Catholic country but the Protestant Reformation occurred in France in the early 1500s which led to some anger as some were against the Protestants.

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14y ago

I think there may have been some wars between England and France during the 1500s

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