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The Duma was an elected legislative body that Tsar Nicholas II allowed to be created after the Bloody Sunday incident in 1905. It was supposed to be able to write legislation that even the Tsar would have to honor, but Nicholas kept ignoring it and it became nothing more than an advisory body.

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A Duma is a "puppet" group, or parliament with no real power.

It was formed in 1906 in the Russia and was only formed because Tsar Nicholas II was receiving pressure from his country during World War I. The people of Russia did not like how the Tsar had all the power and wanted him to share the power among the people. Although the Duma was formed, it was only to make the people happy temporarily, as the Tsar dissolved and brought back the Duma whenever he pleased, or whenever the people began to protest his power.

Eventually, the Duma formed a provisional government, and with the support of the military, had the Tsar abdicate, or leave his power (he went to Holland). Russia was ready for political change.

This was the first, or February Russian Revolution.

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Russia's first parliament

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In which country does the Duma sit?

The Duma are a group of council assemblies. The Duma were created by the Czar of Russia and is considered a form of governmental institution in Russia. Thus, they sit in Russia.

What legislative body was formed in Russia in 1905?

The Duma was created in response to the Revolution of 1905.

How successful was the duma?

There were four Dumas in Russia, none of which were successful. The first Duma was established in 1906, with mostly left leaning members. Little was accomplished because the Tzar did not want to give up any power. The second Duma was established in 1907 in strong opposition to the October Manifest. It was shortly lived as the first had been and were outnumbered by radical Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. The third Duma ran from 1907 to 1912 and made sure the Duma that was ran by gentry, businessmen and land owners. The fourth Duma began in 1912 and ended at the start of World War 1. It was ended after the Tzar persuaded members to agree to holding only a consulting role.

Why was the duma not effective?

Because their power was destroyed by the Tsar's uncle Roberto who ultimatley became Tsar after Nicholas the 2nd was caught in bed with Rasputin. Roberto knew that the duma was quite effective but he was so cruel that he made it look like it was not effective by spreading secretive propagnda under the name Sterafi. People began to turn away from the duma and ultimatley not making them effective to the people's eye.

One result of the revolution in Russia was that?

There were many results to the Russian Revolution of 1917. One of the most important of which were the murder of the Romanovs and the impending Russian Civil War. In addition to the above, there were two revolutions in Russia in 1917. In March of 1917, soldiers refused to fire on striking workers, and the Duma rejected Czarist commands to dissolve. Realizing he had lost control of the government, Czar Nicholas II abdicated the throne. This resulted in the creation of a new Provisional Government. Conditions did not improve in Russia after the first revolution. The second revolution was in November of 1917. This was the Bolshevik revolution which brought on the communist dictatorship and most relevant at the time was Lenin's withdrawal from WW1. This was a promise he made to the Germans in order for them to help him return to Russia from his exile.