Golden ages are marked by great achievements. They are like a classical age, except that the classical age came first and set the standards for following golden ages. The golden age builds on the classical one. A classical age marks a high point in the nation's history
It's the Golden Age
The dates are not exact, but this approximate period is considered the Spanish Golden Age because of their thriving arts and literature, which coincided with the successful political rise (and decline) of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty.
The scholars were the most honored in China's golden age
A golden age is the best time in a cultures history.
Spain enjoyed a Golden Age under the Moors because the Moors brought advanced education, architecture, technology, and healthcare to Spain.
Spain's golden age came to an end when everyone became jealous of them and wanted to start a war with them, all the country's in Europe traveled to Spain and stole all of Spain's riches.
The defeat of the Spanish Armada by the englesh in 1580.
There were multiple most powerful countries in Europe during the Golden Age of Exploration. They included Spain, France, and England.
The Islamic Golden Age happened in Islamic lands ranging from Persia to Spain. It began almost with the beginnings of the spread of Islam, and it lasted until about 1250. There is a link to an article on the Islamic Golden Age below.
A age after another age. Like the golden age and then the bronze age. Something like that.
Muslims Spain during the Middle Ages was a golden age for both Muslims and Jewish thinkers, poet, artists, and scientists.
The country was Spain.
Iraq, Iran, and Spain all had Islamic golden ages in the late 700s-1000s C.E.
Golden ages are marked by great achievements. They are like a classical age, except that the classical age came first and set the standards for following golden ages. The golden age builds on the classical one. A classical age marks a high point in the nation's history
Nicolas frances