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The greatest power to ever exist on the Mediterranean was the Roman Empire.

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Q: What was the greatest power in the Mediterranean?
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Rome's victories over Carthage in the Punic Wars positioned it as the greatest power in the western Mediterranean and helped launch wars of expansion across the entire Mediterranean region.

What is the historic importance in the two Punic wars?

Rome's victories over Carthage in the Punic Wars positioned it as the greatest power in the western Mediterranean and helped launch wars of expansion across the entire Mediterranean region.

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The empire extended around the Mediterranean Sea, north to Britain, east wards to the Rhine and Danube Rivers, and Mesopotamia.

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The empire extended around the Mediterranean Sea, north to Britain, east wards to the Rhine and Danube Rivers, and Mesopotamia.

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In this period Rome was already the dominant power in the Mediterranean and did not have a greatest enemy. Carthage had been the greatest enemy until 202 BC, but after her defeat by Rome her power waned and she was not a match for Rome. Rome also had already defeated the Seleucid Empire and had spit the Kingdom of Macedon into four client states.

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It gained control of the Western Mediterranean and a foothold in the Eastern Mediterranean.

What did Romans get power over when they beat Carthage?

The Western Mediterranean.

How did Rome become a great power?

Rome became the leading power of the Mediterranean world by conquest of Carthage, the former leading power.