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There were lots of oracles, but the most famous was at Delphi, where in a cave among the rocks the Pythoness (a sort of medium) would go into a trance and make prophecies. It's possible that fumes from volcanic vents (most of Greece is an earthquake zone) assisted the process. The delphic oracle was famous for prophecies that could be taken either way - as in, 'if you go to war, you will destroy a great empire' - which might, of course, turn out to be your own.

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Oracle of Apollo at Delphi; Oracle of Zeus at Dodona; also the Sibyl of Cumae

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An oracle would be located in a temple situated to their patron God or Goddess. One of the most well-known oracle was located in Delphi - The Delphic Oracle.

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Q: What was the location of a famous oracle consulted by the Greeks?
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What was the location of the famous oracle often consulted by Greek?

Delphi was the site of the Delphic oracle, who was the most famous oracle of ancient times. This oracle was consulted before making important decisions. Greeks and other peoples traveled to this sacred place to consult the oracle to learn the gods' wishes.

The location of a famous oracle often consulted by the Greeks was?

Delphi was the site of the Delphic oracle, who was the most famous oracle of ancient times. This oracle was consulted before making important decisions. Greeks and other peoples traveled to this sacred place to consult the oracle to learn the gods' wishes.

What did the Greeks consult to know the will of the gods?

They consulted an oracle. The most famous one was the Pythia in Apollo's temple at Delphi.

Where is the place that Greeks went to get the Gods' advice?

Usually, when one sought guidance from the gods, they consulted one of any number of oracles. The most famous was the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi.

What was the center of the universe to most Greeks?

To most Greeks, the city of Delphi was considered the center of the universe. This belief was reinforced by the presence of the famous Oracle of Delphi, who was consulted on important matters and believed to have direct communication with the gods.

Did Greeks go to an Oracle when they needed advice about their lives?

The Greeks did go to an oracle when they needed help or advice. One of the most famous oracles was the Oracle at Delphi. The actual oracle is known as the Pythia.

What is oracle bones?

oracle bones are bones that ancient shang kings consulted their ancestors. and oracle is a prediction about the future.

The Greeks sought out whose advice before major undertakings?

They liked to consult an oracle to foretell the future or the outcome of an undertaking to them. There were several Oracles in Greece, but the Oracle of Delphi was the most famous.

What oracle did the Greeks visit to receive prophecies?

The Oracle of Delphi

Who were the kings that consulted the gods by using oracle bones?

The Shang Kings.

How did the Athens look into the future?

They consulted the oracle in Delphi which was believed to be the center of the world. The Delphic priestess, or sibyl, would inhale vapors from a fissure in the earth and answer questions while in a trance. The answers were sometimes confusing, and the oracle was not immune to bribery, but the Athenians and other Greeks still regarded it as credible precognition.

What are the two oracles in 'Oedipus Rex'?

The Delphic oracle is the only oracle in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the Delphic oracle is consulted by Theban King Oedipus when he has questions about his true parentage. It also is to be consulted by King Laius, who is killed before doing so.