In Tuscany, where forks were first invented, before their were forks the upper class used three finger s t oeat and the lower class used five fingers.
Plastic forks were invented in the mid-1850's by Alexander Parkes. Parkes was impressed with his invention but because it never took off, he soon went bankrupt.
Spain used the Peseta before they changed to the Euro.
they used black power, composed of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate.
The first forks came from the Middle East prior to the year 1000. from there it made its way through the Byzantine empire then moving on through southern in the 14th century Europe where it became popular there in the 14th century, it became popular in northern Europe during the 16th century and spread to the rest of the word from there
BC in a date stands for Before Christ. The term used now is BCE for Before Common Era, Before the Christian Era or Before the Current Era.
the Chinese used forks way before the chopsticks, search it on wikapedia, they also used spoons
Edward's family lived in Chicago before they moved to Forks.
Grill forks are the two-pronged forks used when grilling meat or vegetables.
No. They did not use forks until after the civil war.
A Cocktail fork is used for spearing cocktail garnishes such as olives. Cocktail forks resemble a trident. Some people call these forks "Seafood forks."
no..we either use forks or our hands. when i was there we never used chopsticks. never. we use forks or our hands. im tongan and i use forks but back in Tonga I used my hands.
The one that she met Edward at was in Forks, but the one before that was in Phoenix. I'm not sure if Forks is a real town or not.
i used forks to stab my best friend while playing tag.
Before forks were introduced, people primarily used their hands, knives, and spoons to eat. It was common for individuals to use a single knife for cutting and a spoon for scooping up food, with both hands being the primary utensils for consuming meals. Forks became popular in Europe during the Middle Ages and gradually replaced the practice of using hands for eating.
Shavings forks are also known as manure forks and muck forks. These are used to pick through pine shavings or pelleted horse bedding to remove manure and urine. The tines are more closely spaced on a shavings fork than on most pitch forks making them easier and more efficient to use.