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I think they had guns,rifles,shields,swords,pistols,and other weapons you can look up on different sites.Plus i am a computerist in a young grade.

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Q: What weapons did early explorers and sailors have?
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What weapons did the early explorers use?

cannon, swords etc. (NOT SURE)

What did early Spanish explorers have for armor and weapons in the sixteenth century?

I believe they had spheres, machetes and hand made weapons.

When was the first guns brought to the US?

Spanish came with weapons into North/South America, so all early explorers had weapons.

What tools did the early explorers use?

Clearly, the most important navigational tool available to sailors before was the Stella Maris.

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What was early navigational tools of European explorers?

Early navigational tools used by European explorers included the magnetic compass, which helped determine direction based on Earth's magnetic field. The astrolabe was used to measure the altitude of celestial bodies like the sun or stars to determine latitude. Additionally, the quadrant and cross-staff were used to measure the angle between a celestial body and the horizon for navigation purposes. These tools were crucial for explorers to accurately navigate the seas and discover new lands during the Age of Exploration.

How did the early settlers of New Zealand support themselves?

They were regularly visited by explorers and other sailors. So they would have items to trade and buy. Theirs your answer. Hope it helped :)

Why were wind important to early explorers?

Wind was important to early explorers because it powered their ships, allowing them to sail across oceans to reach new lands. Understanding wind patterns helped sailors navigate more efficiently and reach their destinations faster. Additionally, wind could help explorers return home by providing the necessary propulsion for their ships.

As well as being excellent sailors and explorers the Vikings were also excellent .?

FishermenAs well as being excellent sailors and explorers, the vikings were also excellent merchants, as they traded timber for pottery and spices.

As well as being excellent sailors and explorers the Vikings were also excellent?

FishermenAs well as being excellent sailors and explorers, the vikings were also excellent merchants, as they traded timber for pottery and spices.

What are sailors jobs on a Spanish galleon?

to control the ship and because it is a war ship the sailors control the weapons

What were some of the dangers sailors and explorers faced at sea in the 15th century?
