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Q: Where did the early explorers in US come from?
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Where did the early white explorers come from and why?

They came from Portugal.

Where did the early white explorers come from?

Early white explorers would be hired by the country they come from to explore. Spain, Britain, France would sponsor those people.

What countries did the early explorers come from?

The early explorers came from various countries, including Portugal, Spain, Italy, England, France, and the Netherlands. These explorers set out to discover new lands, trade routes, and resources during the Age of Exploration in the 15th to 17th centuries.

Where did early New Zealand explorers and settlers come from?

The early Maori came from Eastern Polynesia.

Who came to what is now US in the early 1500s?

Spanish explorers

Why did the early explorers first come to the Atlantic?

To fish and trade with Aboriginal peoples.

Where did early explorers and settlers of Anglo American come from?

Modern Day Western Europe,

Where did early explorers and settlers of Anglo-American come from?

Modern Day Western Europe,

Why were early explorers and cartographers fascinated by continental coastlines?

The early Spanish explorers were looking for Silver and Gold!early explorers set out to find new land for the rest of their tribesthe natives taught early explorers about how to use herbs for medicine

What did early explorers set out to do?

early explorers set out to find new land for the rest of their tribes

Where did the early explorers come from before they came to Mexico?

They came from Spain and originally landed in the Carribean.

Why did early spanish British and Russian explorers come to British Columbia?

to farm, trade, build schools, or build settlements.