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Q: What were Indian boarding schools primarily designed to do?
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Related questions

What was the purpose of Indian boarding schools?

to remove Indian culture from Indian children

Which was the purpose of the Indian boarding schools?

To take away the culture of the American Indians

Do Indian kids go to school?

Yes, Indian kids had an education. After they were forced onto a reservation they were sent to Indian boarding schools.

What were the Indian boarding schools like?

There so so many boarding school in india. If you are interested to know about good boarding school then I can short out your problems because I know a good baording school in Dehradun that is SelaQui International School. You can check here

What has the author Dale Lakevold written?

Dale Lakevold has written: 'Stretching hide' 'Misty Lake' -- subject(s): Drama, Education, Indian youth, Off-reservation boarding schools

Is Indian schools like American schools?

Yes Indian schools are like American schools =) lol..

What steps were taken to foster assimilation of native Americans?

They created boarding schools for Indian children

When was American Indian Model Schools created?

American Indian Model Schools was created in 1996.

What is the definition for Indian school?

"Indian school" typically refers to schools located in India or schools that are specifically for students of Indian descent. It can also refer to schools that focus on teaching Indian culture, history, and languages.

What do they do in Indian schools?

I went to an international boarding school in northern India.These are the subjects I was taught: English, Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History/Civics, E.V.S (Environmental Science),Computer, Art. It was part of the I.C.S.E curriculum.

What is Indian Army Public Schools's motto?

Indian Army Public Schools's motto is 'Truth is god'.

What is a place to assimilate native youth?

The Dawes Act of 1887 authorized "Indian Boarding Schools" which were by law charged with assimilation of Native American youth into white culture; these schools and their agents were authorized to use force (up to and including deadly force) to ensure that Native American children were surrendered to the US Government.