Herbs such as sassafras,some needles an threads for sewing, alcohol for cleaning wound, leeches for sucking out impurities in the blood stream, and of course bandages
The europeans wanted to make more money out of the americas.
coureurs de bois (kurpr' de bwa) -- French for woods runners -- unlicensed fur traders during the early French settlment in Quebec. French settlers came early to North America, following in the wake of the explorers and fur traders, creating New France, Quebec City, founded in 1608. But immigration from France was slow prior to the mid-1600s and there was a need to relocate the multitude of workmen who lacked employment in France. Many of the young men who immigrated during this time frame were engaged to serve (3 to 6 years) in New France as ploughmen, diggers, pit men, etc. (among the lowest paid people). These young men began to "seek their fortunes" engaging in the fur trade without permission from French authorities . . . i.e. coureurs de bois . . . woods runners.
They needed medicine, food, protein, and water to drink, and also a good boat to go to sea.
"American purity is being harmed by the immigration of non-Anglo-Saxon people."
why world need tolarence?.
People were self sufficient and had to depend on agriculture to survive ,if you recall at that time goods were bartered and as a result the need for coins was not there it only came around in the 1600s. Minerals were a way showing value and changed the way people traded.
The europeans wanted to make more money out of the americas.
I want need for water supply
by the forms of energy the biogas supply farmers with the energy they need.
Civilisation is based on a surplus of food, which is generated by growing a plentitude of crops. Crops need water, and so do humans and animals they domesticate.
yes there is a need for cost effective power supply like solar energy
You can not. Speakers do not supply a voltage they need a voltage to operate correctly.
To add more memory cards you do not need a larger power supply. To add more hard drives for more memory storage space you might need to increase power supply.
we need food and water supply
A firm making underwear will need a supply of elastic.
Obtain a power supply that has the correct output voltage that you need.
I Want to import AGO.or i need a firm that can do supply for me.AGO 60,000MT