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There were not many failures in the reign of Trajan. He was successful militarily, conquering Dacia and Mesopotamia. He was a fair and wise ruler. He was not criticised by Roman writers who had a very positive view of him. Even Christian writers admired him.

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10y ago
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4y ago
That did not tell me what his Failures where.
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Juliet Snyder

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2y ago
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14y ago

the weakness is that there were no go at anything but them self and get stuff done around there on house hold or house period becasue they didnt care to much about other people just about them self

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11y ago

Diocletian's main failures were in economic and fiscal policies. To try to stem the problems of hyperinflation he introduced price controls. He thought that inflation was due to the the greed of traders. However, the measure failed to resolve the problems. He introduced standard price caps throughout the empire, ignoring the regional variations in supply and demand which determined different economic conditions and prices differences. The measure also increased the size of the black market. Diocletian also failed to address the real cause of hyperinflation which was a devalued currency. Many years of debasement of the coins had greatly devalued them. Very little silver or gold was left in the coins, which made them of virtually no value. Diocletian's monetary reform failed to redress this situation. His taxation policy was heavy handed and did not take account of the yearly changes in the size of harvests. He had to resort to confiscations of assets as a means to gather taxes.

Another failure was the great Persecution of Christians, the worse in the history of Rome. By then the size of the Christian population in the empire was very large. Instead of subduing the Christians, the persecution created widespread social unrest and it had to be ended.

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11y ago

It can be quite difficult to identify failures in Antoninus Pius' rule. It is a matter of opinion (see last paragraph). He usually seen as one of the best rulers Rome ever had. His reign was one of the most peaceful ones in the history of the Roman Empire. There were only disturbances in northern Morocco, Judea, Britannia and Dacia (Romania). He dealt with them in a stern manner and when needed, the strengthened the authority of the provincial governor. He undertook the conquest of southern Scotland and built the Antonine Wall there. He advanced the frontier in Germania by 15 miles and strengthened it fortifications. He did this without ever leading an army or leaving Italy. He just sent letters with instructions for his generals.

Antoninus had a keen interest in the law and reformed legislation on the basis of his concerns regarding humanity and equality. He introduced the principle that the accused were not to be treated as guilty before a trial and that a trial and the punishment had to be held in the place where the crime had been committed into Roman law. He reduced the use of torture and banned the torture of children below the age of 14. He also made the emancipation of slaves easier. He promoted art and science and was a patron of teachers of rhetoric and philosophy. He built theatres, temples and mausoleums. He was a very benign and wise ruler. His style of government was highly praised in his time and by later generations. Many modern historians have a positive view of his rule.

However, historian John Bury has a less favourable view of Antoninus Pius. He said that he was not a great statesman and that the peace of his reign was more than to the work done by his predecessor, Hadrian, than to his merit, that his policy of peace came to a price to the empire after his reign, that he had no originality and no initiative and that he failed to further develop Hadrian's good policies.

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12y ago

Tiberius made the mistake of nothing he tried his best at everything. -5th grade answer

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15y ago

All those guys had tons of failings but his biggest might have been thinking that building a wall would keep out change.

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15y ago

He cut out one of his senates eyes so he could of controlled his anger

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12y ago

Titus was only emperor for two years. He had no time to have either success or failure in that short span.

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