The British North America Act of 1867 protected French civil laws and the status of the English minority in Quebec, as well as the use of the French language in federal institutions, separate schools (funded by the public, intended for Roman Catholic students in provinces other than Quebec) in each province at the time of Confederation were to retain their rights. Certain minority education rights for Catholics and for provinces were guaranteed in the British North America of 1867.
Minorities were expected to live by the will of national or provincial minorities. There would be an attempt to assimilate aboriginal people into the dominant Canadian culture
Colonists' rights were defined by formal documents. British rights were defined by laws and tradition.
None :P
Land rights
The Bill of Rights (obviously, not the same one as the American one, but it has the same name.)
None, they were considered property
The document that limited the British Monarchs right to tax and guaranteed due process was The Bill of Rights.
rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights must also be guaranteed by the states
They were afraid that the majority would ride roughshod over the minority; so they decided that some rights, even though they were inalienable natural rights, needed to be explicitly guaranteed.
Guaranteed certain inalienable rights to citizens in England and was the model for the American Bill of Rights. GO AWAY
Evolution theory is not one of the 8 tenets of American democracy. Individual worth, minority rights, and equality are some of the tenets.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
What is an example of majority rule and minority rights?
They felt that the British had taken away their rights.
Majority rule means a numerical majority of the voting populace holds the power to make decisions binding on everyone. Minority rights are rights guaranteed to minorities that cannot be removed or modified, even by a vote of the majority.