because as stories spread there will be different interpretations on it
Yes, there are always multiple interpretations of historical events. Multiple interpretations of a single event is what makes history so interesting, and yet so challenging to study. Of course there are multiple interpretations of every single event that occurs. Historical events can be analyzed through many different lenses, such as: economically, politically, racially, ect.
Answer this question… They can lead historians to arrive at very different interpretations of an event.
in England
around 100 people survived the titanic not just 2 people
I just know one name Ruth beaker
As with all religions, problems arise from its many different interpretations and peoples opinions of what the religions is about.
A few random newspaper articles interpreted the sinking of Titanic by stating that it was due to the arrogance of man but it's often seen as an opportunity to advance maritime security through the use of examples.
The builders of the Titanic never actually said that the Ship was 'unsinkable'. It was just people's interpretations of the articles written about it. Quite simply, any ship can sink really. There is no such thing as 'unsinkable' :) too many compartment's filled up with water, it was only able to have four compartment's full and no more.
(Adam and Eve and the Titanic) Actually: Table top radios and Console radios used in the living rooms of peoples houses.
Which interpretations?
The witnesses were under duress, it was at night, and many had considerations like protecting the company - which is probably why Second Officer Lightoller, ever the company man, testified that she sank in one piece.
There was music playing because the crew didn't want all of the passengers to get into a great big panic, so they played to lift peoples spirits.
One important event was the accidental ramming of the Olympic. When Titanic's sister ship was returned to the yards for repairs, this delayed the maiden voyage of Titanic, setting her off later - on her collision course with doom.
As of now there are 56 interpretations around the world.