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Some of the problems the settlers at the Jamestown Colony was the the location of the colony itself, established in a swamp that was the perfect breeding ground for insects carrying deadly Infectious Diseases. When the colony was first established they were more interested in searching for gold than growing food. Used to the system of labor in England, where multiple people did the same job, they were not prepared for the hard work ahead of them. Then just to make matters worse they had hostile relations with the neighboring Native American Tribes, making life miserable for the people of Jamestown. Also the problems in Jamestown was in the development there was slow settlement in North America.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Diseases, food shortage, and bad weather

There is a link below that goes much more in-depth. No point to copy and paste it here.

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13y ago

The Jamestown settlers went through problems like their breathing air full of diseases like Mosquitoes in their air.Also their water was not very healthy to drink

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14y ago

they faced diseases, unclean water, harsh winters, didn't have the farming or hunting skills, died of starvation, and in the very beginning leadership problems.

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14y ago

The settlers were attacked by natives AND they did not have a good supply of food. these factors both contributed to jamestowns struggles.

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14y ago

Swampy ground= bad farming

mosquitoes= disease

native Americans= attacks

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13y ago

They didn't know how to crop food so there was the hunger season , and HALF of the Early setters died :(

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12y ago

The problems Jamestown settlement experienced were Indians, shortege on food, sickness, etc.

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16y ago

political unrest leading to mass murder

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Q: What were some troubles for the early settlers in Jamestown?
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What was the problem faced by the settlers of Jamestown?

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What was one problem face by settlers of Jamestown?

the settlers lacked some of the necessary skills needed to provide for themselves

What was one problem the settlers faced of Jamestown?

the settlers lacked some of the necessary skills needed to provide for themselves

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The Virginia Company founded Jamestown,Virginia in 1607. They called it that after England's King James I.

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The English settlers brought new animals to Jamestown. Some of these are: Pigs, chickens, cattle, horses, and goats. Thanks

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