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government was separated in culture and geographically from the serfs. This caused a threat of revolt as the conditions for serfs to work and live were becoming too dire. There was also a famine meaning that serfs had to give away too much of there produce in the form of tax, circling back round to the fact that there were bad living conditions. You must also take into account the fact that Alexander II had took a 7 month tour of 30 different Russian provenances, meaning we would have seen the conditions they were living in.

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Q: What were the Causes of slave and serf emancipation?
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What were the economic implications for emancipation serfs and slaves?

Serfs were slaves and not a different group of people ( serf is Latin for slave). In the middle ages there was no emancipation for these people.

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Vassal Serf is the latin word for slave

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a serf helped a vassal because the serf came with the vassals land and that helped him with the land and any other needs for land he was not a slave but one step above the slave

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The serf. He was a slave.

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Your question is not entirely correct in its premise; a serf is not a slave and does not have an owner. A serf is a subject of a land owner whom the serf would address as lord.

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What The Emancipation Manifesto signed by Czar Alexander II .?

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What is an abstract noun for serf?

Some people would say slave, but that is not really correct because a slave could be sold, and a serf could not. Also, a slave had to do whatever told, but a serf simply had to fulfill obligatory duties. A villein was very like a serf, except that a villein lived in town, but a serf was agricultural. A cotter was very like a serf, but we really do not have other information on what a cotter was. It is thought that the cotter was technically free to leave the land, but this is speculation.

Was the monk a serf?

The word "serf" means slave and a monk was of the clergy. They were different people with different stations in life.