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To become free

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Q: Why might a serf run away from a manor?
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Were serfs bound to the land and sold like slaves in the middle ages?

Serfs were bound to the land, but they were not sold like slaves. A serf lived on a manor, and was not permitted to move away from the manor except with the agreement of the lord of that manor. But that was the extent of the serf's lack of freedom. The serf owed a portion of the crop, or the value of it, to the lord, which is how the lord got his income. In exchange for this, the lord provided the serf with a place to live on the manor, land to work, and protection. The lord was really as much bound as the serf was. Not only could he not sell the serf, he could not evict him from his property and was bound to protect him. The serf had a right to be on the property and to farm it. If the lord sold the property, neither he nor the new owner could force the serf off the land. The serf could run away if he wanted to, and many did. If he was gone for a year, he was considered free. The reason more serfs did not run away was not fear of the law or of retribution so much as the loss of the right to live and farm on the land and the security that provided. In the end, the lords went through a phase after the Black Death when many found it necessary to steal serfs from others in order to make up for losses of workers. When this happened, a large number of serfs became free. But also important was the fact that the lords wanted to make more money, and having serfs who had a right to farm limited the flexibility of the lord in management of the property.

How and why might serf become free?

Well, a serf could possibly run away for 366 days, A.K.A. one year and one day. Or they could buy out their own freedom if they had enough money and have their own land and freedom. Hope that helps! :)

How and why might a serf become free?

Well, a serf could possibly run away for 366 days, A.K.A. one year and one day. Or they could buy out their own freedom if they had enough money and have their own land and freedom. Hope that helps! :)

What were two ways a serf could be free?

1) If a serf could run away for a year and one day, it was considered free. 2) if the noble gave the serf permission, it could stop working on the land

What possibilities existed for Serfs escaping from the Manor?

Usually, if a serf wanted to leave the manor, he could find a way to do so fairly easily. We read of serfs buying their freedom. I have no doubt that this happened, but I would be surprised if it happened very often. This is not be cause serfs usually did not have enough money, but because serfs usually had less expensive ways to do things. In some places, serfs were encouraged to leave manors by laws giving them refuge in communities a king wanted more heavily populated. Other laws said that if a serf was missing from a manor for a year, he was regarded as free. In some places, the lords of the manors did things to make the serfs leave of their own accord. This happened because the lords wanted to do such things as appropriate common land for their own use, and did not want to have to put up with the problems that would develop from the serfs. The thing to remember was that the serf was tied to the land, not the lord. The manorial obligations were mutual, between the serf and his lord. The serf had a legal obligation not to move away, but the lord had a legal obligation to allow him to live on the manor. The serf lacked a level of freedom, but he had a guarantee of a job, a home, and a certain amount of protection in times of trouble or famine. When a serf moved away, it freed both the serf and the lord from those obligations. There were times of trouble, when free men and women were glad to give up their freedom in order to gain the security of serfdom. And this was possibly the one thing the kept the serfs most firmly tied to their manors.

When noblemen went to war who would remain behind and run the manor?

Their wives or daughters will remain behind and run the manor

Where did a a medieval serf live?

Serfs lived in run down huts that had no windows or floors.

Is it illegal to leave a outside dog alone for a few days?

yes,beacuase it might run away or someone might take it away

Why was it illegal for more than 5 slaves to gather away from their homes?

they might be plotting to run away.

What is running away from time?

You can't run away from time. You might be able to run away in time, however, which would mean, running away early enough to escape some unspecified danger.

Where did serfs find freedom?


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It might run away