The FIRST estate was the clergy. They paid no taxes, and indeed collected taxes of their own; the Church owned nearly a quarter of the land of France. Most of the delegates of the First estate were Bishops, who had been nominated to their rank by the Crown, and who were sons of members of...
the SECOND estate, which was the Nobility who paid only a few of the many taxes, and who owned over half of the land. Many nobles were fantastically rich; many more were mere local squires, hard-up farmers or impoverished younger sons, but the delegates were chosen from among the top flight - the cost of the uniform alone would have seen to that.
The THIRD estate was everybody else. Their overwhelming number was reflected in the number of delegates, who were elected - which meant, as ever in history, that most of them were lawyers, accustomed to persuasive public speaking, and the rest were of the upper middle class, people who could afford to take time away from their businesses.
The middle class people of France were known as the bourgeoisie. They represent the wealthiest social class, and are identifiable by their ownership of capital. In France, they represented the Third Estate, and were forced to shoulder the expenses of the first two estates prior to the French Revolution.
The society was classified into 3 estates. 1st and 2nd estates were rich . 2nd estate people were loyal to King. the 3rd estate contained the poor like Merchants, cobbler's etc.,
By calling the Estates-General Louis the XIV would be at a disadvantage because it would give more power to the 1st Estate and the 2nd Estate. He would be losing power and he had no reason to call on the Estates-General. Louis the XVIII had to call on the Estates-General because the country was about to go bankrupt and he had no other choice but to call on the Estates-General and ask them for a loan.
In France (and many other European countries) the estates were as follows: 1st estate: Grandees of the (Catholic) Church - that is, senior bishops. 2nd estate: Noblemen. 3rd estate: Ordinary folk ('commoners'). (Serfs were below the 3rd estate).
The king of France was King Francios the 1st.
Anywhere between 3 and 4 %
The 1st estate was represented by the Clergy. The 2nd estate was represented by the Nobility. The 3rd estate was represented by the Bourgeoisie
1st estate: clergy 2nd estate: nobility 3rd estate: every one else in the kingdom
1st- no taxes2nd- no taxes3rd- steady income form there jobs
it was the 1st and 2nd estates that was aganst the 3rd estate. the 1st is the roman cathoic charch 2nd is the rich nobles 3rd is the social classes.
The 1st and 2nd estates
The middle class people of France were known as the bourgeoisie. They represent the wealthiest social class, and are identifiable by their ownership of capital. In France, they represented the Third Estate, and were forced to shoulder the expenses of the first two estates prior to the French Revolution.
The first and second estates detested the French revolution as it threatened to remove them from power and wealth.
The three estates included conservatives - they did not want to change existing conditions radicals- they wanted to get rid of the king and set up a republic moderates- they had no extreme views and sided with either/or depending on the issue
1st Estate: the aristocracy2nd Estate: the church3rd Estate: everyone else
French Indochina War (or the 1st Indochina War).
The ancien régime was a system in France designed in the middle ages, it was a system that consisted with 3 estates, 1st-clergy churches, 2nd- Nobility, and 3rd- peasants and many other ordinary people. This system lasted until the French Revolution (when Louis the 16th reigned).