Animals that the British brought to Australia on the First Fleet include:18 Turkeys29 Geese35 Ducks122 Fowls87 ChickensKittensPuppies4 Mares2 Stallions4 Cows1 Bull1 Bull Calf44 Sheep19 Goats32 Hogs5 RabbitsGov. Phillip's GreyhoundsRev. Johnson's cats
Amy noonan was the first chinese woman to have a sex change in 1896. She had the operation when she was around 25 and died shortly after of depression.
Lady Amy Amptyll Empson was born in 1540. Her parents were John Amptyll and Amy Smith. Her mother also named Amy was a direct relative to the Carringtons and Montagues who still hold positions throughout Westminster. Lady Amy was married on Nov. 5, 1564 Thomas Empson whose grandfather was Sir Richard Empson a key Minister to Henry 7th. Princess Diana was a decendant of His great aunts-- Anne and Elizabeth. Lady Amy conceived 13 children. Lady Amy was a Lady of the Bedchamber for Queen Elizabeth 1. Lady Amy died on May 29, 1611. She was buried at St. Margarets church, Middlesex, Westminster, England which was the same place she was born and was married.
Because Australia chose not to become a republic. The queen is head of Australia in Title only.
Amy Johnson is famous because she is the first woman to fly from England to Australia,
Amy Johnson.
Amy Johnson was the first...
it is amy johnson not amelia johnson who flew
On 5 May 1930, Amy Johnson left Croydon, England, in her De Havilland Gypsy Moth which she named Jason. She landed in Darwin in Australia's Northern Territory on 24 May 1930. Her journey therefore took 19 days.
1. Amy Johnston became the first women to fly solo to Australia in 1930. 2. Amy set a new world solo record by flying to cape Town from London in 1932.
she was the first woman to fly solo because she was a pilot
Amy Johnson was a pioneering British aviator who became the first female pilot to fly solo from Britain to Australia in 1930. She used a de Havilland Gipsy Moth biplane for her historic flight, marking a significant achievement in the field of aviation. Johnson's successful journey helped pave the way for other female pilots and contributed to the advancement of transportation technology.
Amy Johnson's husband is Jim Mollison.
On 5 May 1930, Amy Johnson left Croydon, England, in her De Havilland Gypsy Moth which she named Jason, landing in Darwin in the Northern Territory, Australia on 24 May 1930.