George Clemenceau
Most Whigs subscribed to the political ideology known as republicanism. Republicanism is the ideology of governing a society or state as a republic, in which the head of state is a representative of the people who hold popular sovereignty rather than the people being subjects of the head of state. The head of state is usually an elected official.
The Head of State is Queen Elizabeth II and the Head of Government is the Prime Minister James Gordon Brown. The Queen is head of state of the United Kingdom and the head of government in the UK is Gordon Brown. There is no-one in charge of Great Britain because it is not a country, only part of the UK.
A Grand Duchy is a state ("nation" in common, modern language) in which the Head of State (the ruler) is a Grand Duke. Similarly, a Duchy is a state where the ruler is a Duke
it is worn as an emblem of sovereignty, of royalty and of dignity. It represents the governing power of a monarchical state. The queen is head of that state
In March, 1922
No, he was head of state of Turkey.
The turkey's head.
The red bumps on a turkey's head are called CARUNCLES.
Mr. Bean is searching for his watch when he got his head stuck in a turkey.
turkey that is not it it is turkey
The cross between a chicken and turkey is a turken. It has a head of a turkey and a body of a chicken.
Most people throw them away. The turkey head is not the best part of the turkey. The turkey is so big that if you dispose the head, then you have not lost much of the turkey meat. Also, it is a waste to try to get all the extra meat through all of the turkey head organs and the beek. The manufacturing companies toss the turkey heads and feet into the mounds of turkey/chicken fecal matter. This waste matter breaks down and dissolves the turkey heads and feet.
abdullah gul
In the head is most effective.
a week ^_^