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Q: When did democracy start in India?
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Related questions

Is democracy efficient in India?

Democracy is very much efficient in India.

What country is democracy?

America is an example of a democratic country

What are the different challenges against democracy in India?

their are no challenges against democracy in India .

Is the government of India a democracy or a dictatorship?

India is the world's most populace democracy.

What form of government does Myanmar use?

India is a parliamentary democracy.

What nation has the worlds largest democracy India or Australia?

India because I come from India and with great respect I say India has the largest democracy

Is India a real democracy?

India's democracy is at the least, sound. India's democracy is huge and the people have the real power. The people of India have many freedoms and are happy in their democracy. It is working beautifully. Besides being stable, India is growing rapidly and is already a super-power.

Does India have the world's largest Democracy?

Yes! For sure, India has the world's largest Democracy. Any Doubts?

Has parliamentary form of democracy failed in India?

No , i don't think parliamentary form of democracy has failed in India

Is there is any movement for democracy in India?

India is already a democratic country. It is the most populous democracy in the world.

What is the type of government in India?

democracy. it is the largest democracy in asia.

What country has the biggest democracy?

The largest democracy in the world is India.