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Lydia Barrington Darragh was born in 1729 but the exact date of her birth is not known. She was born in Ireland but moved to America before the Revolutionary War.

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11y ago

She was born July 8th 1729 in Dublin, ireland

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12y ago

sorry,but i can't find Lydia Darragh's birthday,but if you find it please post

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What was Lydia Darragh's mothers name?

Linda barrington , she died when lydia was born or at lydias birth

Who was Lydia darragh's dad?

JOhn Barrington a father and tutor in Philadelphia.

Did Lydia Darragh have a mother?

No one really knows if Lydia Darragh has a mother. Though it is believed that a mother to hers existed. Lydia had other siblings that had to have come from a mother. Lydia and her father always spent time together. Then came Lydia's husband named William Darragh. From then on Lydia's last name was no longer Barrington. Back to the mother thing Ibelieve that Lydia Darragh did have a mother but passed away when Lydia was born or even before Lydia was born.

When did Lydia Darragh born?


When was lyda darragh children born?

who old were lydia darragh children

How many siblings did Lydia Darragh have?

Lydia Darragh had five children. Charles Darragh, Ann Darragh, John Darragh, William Darragh, and Susannah Darragh

Where was Lydia Darragh rasied?

Lydia Darragh was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. She then moved to Philadelphia. She was famous for the wonderful things she did.

Who did Lydia darragh spy for?

Lydia darragh was a spy for George Washington

How do you pronounce Lydia Darragh?

Lydia darragh

Were there any memorials for Lydia Darragh?

There is a gravestone after Lydia Darragh.

What did Lydia darragh wear?

since she was a quaker she wore quaker dresses

Did Lydia darragh have a British accent?

no, lydia Darragh did not have a british accent. She was Irish.