jack the ripper Mary ann cotton William palmer Amelia dyer Burke and Hare
Jack Sharpe
He was Rudyard Kipling's son who was killed in WWI at the battle of Loos. His death inspired his father to write a poem called "My Boy Jack".
the hijab was invented by jack carr
His full name is Jack Quire :)
Jack Dempsey died of natural causes in 1983 at the age of 87.
Jack Dempsey - wrestler - died on 2007-11-01.
jack dempsey played in swimmming
Jack Dempsey - wrestler - was born in 1920.
Jack Dempsey - fish - was created in 1903.
Jack Dempsey was born on June 24, 1895.
Oh, dude, you're mixing up your Dempseys! Patrick Dempsey, aka McDreamy from Grey's Anatomy, is not Jack Dempsey's grandson. Jack Dempsey was a famous boxer from the early 1900s. So, no family ties there, just some confusion in the name game.
A Jack Dempsey is also a fish. http://www.fishlore.com/profile-jackdempsey.htm
Jack Dempsey - footballer - was born on 1919-09-25.
Jack Dempsey's Broadway Restaurant ended in 1974.
Jack Dempsey's Broadway Restaurant was created in 1935.
Jack Dempsey died on May 31, 1983 at the age of 87.