In 1947, the British divided-up the Indian Empire into two nations. Pakistan, which was meant to be a homeland for Muslims living in the Indian Empire and the Union of India which was meant to be a homeland for Hindu's living in the Empire. This was called the partition of India.
Pakistan was once a part of British India. During the Partition in 1947, India and Pakistan were split into their current countries.
The partition of Bengal aroused fury among the Hindus. The Hindus thought that the partition of Bengal was an attempt to break the unity among the Hindus which might be a threat to the British Government. They thought that the British had applied their 'Divide and Rule Policy' meaning that the Hindus and the Muslims will keep on fighting with each other and the threat which the radical nationalism of the Hindus was disturbing the Britishers would come to an end. Consequently the Hindus' attempts to kick the British out of the Sub-continent and establish Hindu Rule would loose their solidarity and strength. Furthermore the Hindus could not bear to see the Muslims flourish and the partition of Bengal meant exactly that. It can also be seen that the Hindus wouldn't allow any degree of Partition of their Motherland, the India. This fact was confirmed by the height of opposition and objection to the Partition of India in 1947 from the Hindus.
The Partition of India was the partition of the British Indian Empire that led to the creation of the sovereign states of the Dominion of Pakistan and the Union of India on 15 August 1947. The Dominion of Pakistan later split into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh.
a Muslim in India
In 1947, the British divided-up the Indian Empire into two nations. Pakistan, which was meant to be a homeland for Muslims living in the Indian Empire and the Union of India which was meant to be a homeland for Hindu's living in the Empire. This was called the partition of India.
The British Government
The British divided its Indian colony into India and Pakistan in 1947, following the partition of India. Pakistan was created as a separate nation for Muslims, while India remained a secular state with a Hindu majority.
The new country created in 1947 was Pakistan. Pakistan was established as a separate nation from India to provide a homeland for Muslims in the region, following the partition of British India.
India and Pakistan
Mahatma Gandhi
the answer is that India was from there being ruled over by the British
The partition of the Indian subcontinent was based on religion, Pakistan had a majority of Muslims, while India had a majority of Hindus.
After Independence of India in 1947 ,MUSLIMS have fought and separated and named there country as Pakistan
3rd june 1947!
Pakistan was once a part of British India. During the Partition in 1947, India and Pakistan were split into their current countries.
The British decided to partition the Indian subcontinent because of the conflict that Hindus and Muslims had with each other.