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The hanging of stockings at Christmas comes from a story about a poor widower who had to two daughters. They were very poor and the father could not afford to give his daughters any dowries. St. Nicholas heard of this family and threw gold coins down the chimney. These coins landed in the daughters stockings that were hanging on the mantel of the fireplace to dry after washing. The next morning the daughters found the gold coins which was enough for their dowries. The townspeople heard of this and started hanging stockings on their mantels as well. And the tradition begins.

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Q: Where did stockings come from?
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Do stockings come with guarters?

Some stockings do come with guarters, but many don't/

What kind of websites does one find when searching for stockings TGP?

When searching for stockings TGP one may come upon a variety of stockings for women. There are nylon, silk, thigh highs, and all can come with embellishments!

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Stockings and garters. No need for them to come off when getting intimate. In fact, it adds to the "experience".

Do you have to wear full stockings?

No, stocking come up to your knees and these are fine.

What kinds of stockings can one purchase at the Pottery Barn?

You can purchase velvet Christmas stockings in Red and ivory on You can custom monogram them. They also offer quilted velvet stockings in red and green. They come in a variety of sizes.

What are stocking holders?

Stocking holders are small clips that hold Christmas stockings to the mantle. They come in a variety of styles and can be either plain or decorative. The important thing is that Santa finds the stockings.

Why were stockings made?

Why were stockings made?

Where did the name Cincinnati Reds come from?

The Cincinnati Reds' first nickname was the Cincinnati Redlegs.

What do other countries use instead of stockings?

panty hose, socks, mini stockings they have stockings in most countries panty hose, socks, mini stockings they have stockings in most countries

What are stockings in Finnish?

Stockings are sukkahousut in Finnish.

Did the st.louis maroons come before the st.louis brown stockings?

If you mean were the Maroons established before the Brown Stockings, no .... the Brown Stockings first season was 1875 in the National Association and the Maroons first season was 1884 in the Union Association. If you mean were the Maroons in the National League before the Brown Stockings, yes ... the Maroons joined the NL in 1885 and the Brown Stockings, then called the Browns, joined the NL in 1892. The Maroons played two seasons in St. Louis before moving to Indianapolis and becoming the Hoosiers. The Brown Stockings still play in St. Louis and are known as the Cardinals.

When did Stockings die?

Stockings died in 2010, in USA.