Mao Zedong's Long March ended in October 1935 when 8000 of the original 80,000 marchers reached Shaanxi Province.
Some where in april
began its Long March
Mao Zedong's Chinese communists went of the 6,000 mile Long March during the Chinese Civil War.
it started on the border of Canada and Maine and ended in Boston
WW2 rationing ended in 1954, with the end of the meat ration.
End of march
The long march was 9600 km long and took 370 days.
End of February beginning of March, hence, March Madness
At the end of march
March of Austria ended in 1156.
March of Carniola ended in 1364.
March of Montferrat ended in 1574.
Billung March ended in 983.
March of Styria ended in 1180.
March of Carinthia ended in 976.
An April March ended in 1999.