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All English monasteries were forced to close in the period 1538 - 1542 by king Henry VIII, who confiscated anything of value and destroyed everything else. The numbers of monks and nuns had already been in decline for some time, so relatively few people were thrown out; they had the choice of finding other employment or (if they were elderly) taking a pension from the king.

Many monasteries were simply "slighted" - meaning that the roof was destroyed, walls torn down and the stone sold for building material elsewhere. Other monasteries (such as St Augustine's, Canterbury) were converted into royal residences or stopover places for royal guests on their way to London, as a kind of guest-house for important visitors.

The king donated some monastery sites to his favourite courtiers, who converted them into fashionable homes. Michelham Priory in Sussex is one of these - all you will see there today is the old medieval gatehouse of the monastery complex, together with a stately home which has completely destroyed all trace of the monastery itself.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Which monasteries are you referring to? Henry VIII threw the Catholic Church out of Britain when he was refused an annulment to the marriage of his first wife. Some devout Catholics were upset about the banishment of everything about the Catholic Church not just the monasteries.

There are many monasteries functioning at this very moment around the world. Not "ALL" monasteries have been closed. Some are closed when the monks get too old and no younger monks have joined the specific order.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Many of the monasteries were closed because there weren't enough Monks to sustain them. They had either died or left the order. Those that were still there moved to other monastaries.

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How did Henry VIII get rid of the Monasteries?

AnswerHe closed the monasteries because he needed money to go to war and the monks were selling indulgencesIndulgences: they are were someone pays to get to heavenHe needed power over the church and the monks weren't behaving they were getting into relationships and getting drunk and coming to morning services drunken monks aren't meant have any money but they were gambling with money.He closed down the monasteries by sending Thomas Cromwell's team of inspectors to inspect the monasteries. They found that some monks and nuns had become lazy and greedy and so, Henry closed them down.

How did monks influence life outside the monasteries?

They go off to experience god.

Who taught children after the monks?

The monasteries didn't teach the children before or after they were closed. Children didn't go to school in this time. Wealthy children had tutors, but poor children still went to work by 7-8 years old.

Was the closure of the monasteries good or bad for England?

I suppose it was bad, i mean, they didn't have anywhere to pray or where they can be read to by the monks reading the bible. Henry didn't exactly think when he decided to close the monasteries because he was in such rage to wait. Technically i think it was good for Henry but not for the rest of England. my answer the monastries took in many poor people ,ill people and etc but when Henry closed it down those people would have no where to go sleep or stay .

What were the concequences of Henry viii closing down the monastries?

From my opinion Henry closed the monasteries as he wanted money. Wealth was an important reason as he could get money from land from the catholic church and gold from the church as well. He wanted a divorce as well as being greedy for money as he wanted to marry Anne Boleyn so he could try to have a son however the pope would not grant this divorce as he was held hostage by King of Spain who was Catherine of Aragons father. So this is a main reason why Henry closed down the monasteries. Another reason was power he was sick of the monks and priests taking orders from the pope as he wanted to boss people about and so did show him who was boss and became in charge of the reformation this made him powerful. One large identification made by the king himself was that the monasteries needed to go monks doing usual daily tasks such as praying , teaching, helping the poor and looking after the sick instead they went out partying (getting drunk) and going to bed late. The king was angry because of behaviour. That's why he closed down the monasteries.

How did monks influence life outside of the monasteries?

Monks influenced life outside of monasteries by providing education, healthcare, and charitable activities to the community. They often served as advisors to local rulers and played a role in preserving and spreading knowledge through the copying and preservation of manuscripts. Monks also set an example of humility, piety, and service that influenced the broader society.

What did the Monks do in Monasteries in the 1500's?

Most of the Christian monasteries in England and across Europe were of ancient origin and by the 16th century had become firmly entrenched in the fabric of society. Unfortunately, the communities of monasteries had become very corrupt. Whereas they had once been centres of learning and knowledge, filled with monks and nuns of great piety, they had become very wealthy through money gained by the exorbitant rents exacted from peasants who dwelt on their land. The numbers of monks and nuns inhabiting monasteries had decreased so considerably that many only had a quorum of approximately 12, which was generally considered to be the least number of religious required to sing the Divine Office. In England the situation changed dramatically during the reign of Henry VIII and his Chancellor Thomas Cromwell. It came to the attention of the King and his Chancellor that much of the arable land (approximately 1/4) belonged to monasteries. This situation was brutally redressed: by the mid 16th century Henry and Cromwell had closed down close to 700 monasteries. Following Henry's split with the Church of Rome, he proceeded to close down monasteries in Ireland, Scotland and Wales. In all, approximately 1500 had been closed with their land being sold to nobles and the dispossessed monks and nuns were given small pensions. A similar pattern of closing down monasteries occurred in Europe as well.

What were monks who traveled and taught?

As far as Catholic monks are concerned, according to the Rule of most monasteries they are not to travel at all. However, Benedictine monks often travel for school, to visit family, to minister at outlying parishes, etc. A Cistercian of the Strict Observance would probably only travel to go to the hospital.

How did Henry close down the monastries?

he sent inspectors to go and find things wrong with the monasteries so they would have to close down

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What was the importance of Irish monasteries in Europe in the 7th and 8th centuries?

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As far as I know, Monks live in Monasteries.