The best known regions include Prince Edward Island and the praries, however there is abundant arable land in most provinces.
In Canada
icey cold
the things he encountered was that Louis reil fought for the land of Canada west and fought the metis's land
=There was free land...=
About 5% of Canada's land is considered arable, suitable for crop cultivation. Most arable land is found in the southern parts of the country, particularly in the Prairie provinces.
1% __ According to the World Bank, the percentage of arable land in Canada is around 4.96%
Arable farmming is farmming done on arable land and arable land is land that is good for farmming. For example rocky, and sandy land is considered non arable land
The land was arable, and was good to farm on.
All of Egypt's arable land is along the banks of the Nile River.
arable land: 4.57%permanent crops: 0.65%other: 94.78%
The field was arable for miles and miles. Arable describes a piece of land that is good for growing crops.
Solar powerWind powerHydro powerTidal powerTimber, minerals , wildlife , lots of arable land still not used.
Arable land.
Which type of land are termed arable
Kazakhstan has 7.52% arable land.